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Úvod - Nature monuments - Povodí Morávky EN - Protected landscape areas - Dobrá - THE SKALICE’S MORÁVKA – The Nature Sanctuary (NS) of proposal


THE SKALICE’S MORÁVKA – The Nature Sanctuary (NS) of proposal

All Skalická Morávka area is situated on 106 hectares in land registry territories of several village, namely in land registry Raškovice, land registry Vyšní Lhoty, land registry Nižní Lhoty, land registry Skalice, land registry Nošovice and in land registry Dobrá in district of Frýdek- Místek. The object of protection is geomorphology type of river-basin snags to branches in river - bed with frequent over-layers of gravely deposits and transloading of branches (natural braided stream in gravely alluvium).To the flow connects complex of mead growths on both sides. Territory is naturally rise and well - preserved biotope of flora and fauna with presence of protected kind of plants - critically endangered: Myricaria germanica, Hippochaete variegate and animals - critically endangered kinds: brook lamprey, crayfish riverine.

It is the last rest of braided gravel river of national meaning with habitation of critically endangered and especially protected plants of Myricaria Germanica. Is it about two metres high bush, resembling to tamarisk. All the places with occurrence of Myricaria are in northeast parts of Moravia and south - east Silesia. It grows wholly on gravely alluviums of rivers, don’t even matter infestation, bury under gravel or sand and upheaval water him even assists on vegetative reproduction and diffusion.

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